Bulgaria is a lesser know EU county that is a popular budget destination for Germans looking for a beach holidays that’s more economical than say Spain or Greece. Of course being somewhat thrifty ourselves, we ended up flying to Bulgaria via Leipzig as part of our 2024 European vacation thanks to my mother-in-law funding a 10 day vacation at the White Lagoon Resort. (Our Bulgarian vacation was actually cheaper than putting our kids in a weekday camp in the USA! You know, one of those stupid expensive camps that only last 6h a day Mon-Friday.)
Having purchased an unlimited eSIM plan for the first time from Maya I was curious to see how it would perform in one of EU’s poorest countries. We landed just as Apple’s WWDC 2024 was kicking off so I decided to see if I could live stream the video from the Apple website. I was super impressed that I was able to watch most of the WWDC keynote via my speedy 5G connection in the back of the taxi. Even at the resort on the beach I had a better connection times than our taxed resort wifi. Towards the end of our stay a lot of folks were probably streaming the 2024European Cup games so this probably didn’t help the poor WIFI’s performance.
So overall I was very impressed with the unlimited eSIMs performance. Of course we encourage you to do your own homework when choosing an eSIM but this real world, on the front lines report should help steer you in the direction of our partners listed here. We were also impressed with the White Lagoon resort, staff were super friendly, food not too bad, spoke English and overall highly recommend for those on a budget.